About Mindful Embrace, PLLC

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Mindful Embrace, PLLC. provides individual and couples counseling services. Our goal is to provide psychotherapeutic services that promote personal growth, emotional well-being and offer a simple platform to address traumatic experiences. Treatment begins with clearly understanding and identifying the client's goals and establishing a treatment plan based on those goals. We understand that each client we work with is unique, influenced by their culture, family, values and beliefs, and personal identity. As a practice, we strive to respect and honor each person's uniqueness, providing trauma-informed care.

Are you ready to take the first step?

Meet The Lead Psychotherapist & CEO

Hi, I am Juliet Dixon, a licensed psychotherapist, board qualified supervisor, and it's my passion to help others overcome the emotional challenges of life stressors, one step, one day at a time. My education and most of my clinical training were completed in Florida. I am passionate about reducing the stigma associated with mental health and trauma. Over my 15-year career, I have worked extensively within the dependency and adult forensics systems and developed expertise in "not judging a book by its cover" and active listening. My counseling style includes behavior modification, solution-focused counseling, and coaching couples through difficulties.

Reach out to us today!

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